recruitment Fill out the employment form and our team will contact you with more information. Personal InformationFirst Name *Lastname *City *Nationality *Mobile number *Gender *MaleFemaleProfessional skillsSpecialization *DateYour specialtyYears of Experience *Please select an optionاقل من سنةمن سنة الى 3 سنواتمن 3 سنوات الى 6 سنواتمن 6 سنوات الى 8 سنواتأكثر من 8 سنواتSkills *Analytical thinkingEffective CommunicationTeamworkinnovative thinkingtime managementFlexibility and adaptabilityLeadershipTechnical skillsProblem Solvingthe responsibilityAchieving goalsContinuous learningOtherTell us your additional skillsWrite to us about your experiences *Do you have any objection to working in the Second Industrial City in Jeddah? *Yes, I mindNo, I don't mindAttach your CV *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSend your job application now Do you have questions about employment data? contact us now